2010년 11월 8일 월요일

The Cherry Orchard

         When I was reading the play “The Cherry Orchard” written by Anton Chkhov, I felt angry at Lyubov Andreyevna Ranevskaya, who is the owner of the estate, for her stupidity.  The mood of the story was very serious even though the genre of the play was comedy.  It was sad that Ranevskaya lost her husband and son in the past, and I was sure that it would be difficult to live without them.  In the beginning of the play, I felt pity for her, but I started to get angry at her when I found out that her past is not the cause of making her life miserable; It is her stupidity was causing the problem.  When Ranevskaya started to talk about the former lover in Paris, I realized that she was blinded by love, not by her past.  This man did not love her, but loved her money.  Because of her stupidity, she spent so much money for him in Paris, and finally ran out of money.  I got even more angry when I found out that Ranevskaya considered seriously about going back to help her former lover in Paris because he became ill.  Now, I hate her.  Because she was not able to control her spending, she had to sell her orchard which was inheritance from her family.  However, she was still thinking about helping him.  Also in Act 4, I noticed that Ranevskaya blamed Lopakhin for her destroying life.  However, this was very ironic because it was Ranevskaya who is responsible for selling the orchard.  I believe it is she who ruined her life.

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  1. its great that you pointed this out. In my blog i commented on how older people refuse to accept younger ideas and after reading your blog it brought to light another perspective on the story that i find very believable. it seemed like money was just an object to her and spending it was just a means of getting what she wanted at the time, paying no attention to the amount she had left. I would agree that if she wouldn't have been so dumb about the way she was spending her money she could have kept the orchard for herself.
