2010년 10월 11일 월요일


         In “SUPPLEMNTARY READING FROM THE Poetics”, Aristotle shows six elements of tragedy; plot, characters, verbal expression, thought, visual adornment, and song-composition.  Before the reading, I thought that characters are the most important element among the six that constitutes a tragedy since it rises from conflicts between the characters.  For example, Medea kills her two sons to get her revenge on Jason for abandoning and destroying her marriage.  I had believed that there is a conflict between Jason and Medea, and this conflict leads to the tragedy.  However, according to Aristotle, “a tragedy cannot exist without a plot, but it can without characters” (pg. 90).  I was shocked by the fact that character is not as important as the plot.  Thus, I was puzzled and confused while I was reading.  Yet, after finishing the reading, I start to understand Aristotle’s points.  It seems plot is bigger element than character because if there is no plot about Jason betraying Medea, then there would not be any tragedy in the play.  I realized that plot is the structure that leads the whole story while character follows after the plot.  Moreover, Aristotle mentions that “plot is the basic principle of tragedy” because “plot is the goal of tragedy, and the goal is the greatest thing of all” (pg. 90).  The goal of Medea is to get revenge on Jason, and as soon as she achieved her revenge, the play becomes a tragedy.  Now I am certain that plot is the most important element in a tragedy since plot comes before the character.

댓글 1개:

  1. It is interesting that Aristotle talks more about the plot of a tragedy then the characters. But if you think about it, it is true. You definitely need a good plot in a tragedy for the story to work. Once you have a good plot set up you can add the characters that fit the tragedy and it will make it work a lot better.
